
Showing posts from March 22, 2020

New Bike-Walk Boulevard Project Beginning April 1

The city is continuing its goal to make roads safer for bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists with the 29th Street Bike-Walk Boulevard Project. Work on the project begins Wednesday, April 1. The 29th Street Bike-Walk Boulevard Project spans 29th Street from Libby Terrance to Kane Street. With the inclusion of new pavement markings, crosswalks, signs, ADA curb ramps and curb extensions, it is in accordance with the city's Vision Zero initiative, which is designed to increase road safety and eliminate crashes involving fatalities and serious injuries by 2030. This project will lower instances of speeding and make it safer for people who walk, bicycle and drive on 29th Street. Construction is expected to last three months, weather permitting. Residential and emergency access along 29th Street shall be maintained at all times. ##

March 27 COVID-19 Public Briefing

City of Richmond COVID-19 Public Briefing March 27, 2020 City Services Continue Evolving The Department of Social Services is offering emergency SNAP benefits on top of the benefits households already receive.  *The Richmond Department of Social Services has updated its FAQ document* Current SNAP households that already receive the maximum monthly allotment for their household size are not eligible for emergency benefits. Emergency benefits will be provided for March and April 2020 and will increase the household’s current monthly allotment to the maximum monthly allotment for a household of that size.  The allotments below can be used to assist citizens in calculating the increase based on household size and regular allotment. Emergency benefits will allow the household’s current monthly allotment to increase to the maximum allotment for a household of that size as follows: Household size : Amount of money in 48 states (including Virginia) and Wa...

Informe al público sobre el COVID-19 - 25 de marzo

Informe al público de la Ciudad de Richmond sobre el COVID-19 25 de marzo de 2020 Los servicios de la ciudad se siguen adaptando Se suspenden los límites de tiempo en las zonas de estacionamiento de la ciudad  Los conductores estacionados ilegalmente seguirán recibiendo multas, lo que en general incluye: bloquear indebidamente el paso o perturbar servicios esenciales; otros ejemplos incluyen el estacionarse enfrente de los hidrantes o de las rampas de accesibilidad para personas con discapacidades, o bloquear ciclorrutas o cruces peatonales.  Esté alerta – se están realizando reparaciones de servicios públicos y  pavimentación de vías. De acuerdo a estas, los conductores deberán seguir las restricciones impuestas y marcadas en las señales.  Si le preocupa que un negocio no esté cumpliendo con las órdenes de distanciamiento social y la prohibición de reuniones de grupos grandes, llame al siguiente número de la policía para situaciones que no so...

El Departamento de Policía de la Ciudad de Richmond emite una guía para la ejecución de la orden de distanciamiento social dada por el gobernador Northam

De acuerdo a la orden ejecutiva No. 53 del gobernador Ralph Northam, a partir de las 11:59 p.m. del día martes 24 de marzo, todos los negocios en el estado de Virginia están sujetos a las siguientes regulaciones: ·        Todos los lugares de entretenimiento y recreación deben cerrar; ·        Deberán cerrar los negocios no esenciales que no puedan cumplir la recomendación de mantener 6 pies (aprox. 2 metros) de distancia entre los clientes; ·        Los establecimientos de venta de comidas y bebidas deben limitar su negocio a servicios para llevar, entrega en la acera o entrega a domicilio; ·        Otros negocios regulares no esenciales, pueden permanecer abiertos mientras limiten la cantidad de clientes en el lugar a no más de 10 clientes; y ·        Los negocios esenciales tales como las tiendas de abarrotes y los estable...

March 25 COVID-19 Public Briefing

City of Richmond COVID-19 Public Briefing March 25, 2020 City services continue to adapt Time limits on parking will not be enforced  Drivers will still be ticketed for parking illegally, which generally includes blocking the right of way or disturbing essential services. Examples include parking in front of ADA accessibility ramps or fire hydrants and blocking bike lanes or crosswalks.  Be vigilant – paving and utility repairs are ongoing. Therefore, drivers should still abide by temporary restrictions indicated by signage. If they do not, they will be ticketed.  If you are concerned by a business that is not abiding by the Governor’s social distancing order or large congregations of people, call the police non-emergency number: 804-646-5100 This also applies to Richmond’s city parks and outdoor spaces The Governor’s executive order does not allow gatherings of more than 10 people. Groups larger than 10 outside a household unit are in viola...

City of Richmond, Richmond Police Department issue guidance on enforcement of Governor Northam’s social distancing order

According to Governor Northam’s Executive Order 53, as of 11:59 on Tuesday, March 24 all businesses in Virginia are subject to the following regulations: Entertainment and recreation venues must close; Non-essential businesses that cannot abide by the recommended six feet of social distancing must close; Food and drink establishments must limit their service to carryout, curbside, or delivery; Non-essential brick and mortar stores may stay open as long as they limit capacity to 10 patrons at a time; and Essential businesses, such as grocery stores and medical and health establishments, may stay open but must practice social distancing and enhanced hygienic precautions.  Here is a link to the full text of the Governor’s instructions. If a resident of Richmond sees an establishment out of compliance with this order and is concerned for public health, they should call the Richmond Police Department non-emergency number: 804-646-5100. This also applies to residents who...

City’s public utility receives bond upgrade by Moody’s

The City of Richmond’s public utility, which provides water, sewer and gas to city residents and those throughout the metro region, has received a bond rating upgrade by Moody’s Investors Service to Aa1 – one step below the highest rating of AAA. The upgrade, the second the city has received in the last two months, will allow the utility, known as the Richmond VA Combined Utility Enterprise, to borrow money at more favorable rates, producing cost savings estimated to be in the millions in upcoming years. The City of Richmond’s general obligation bond rating was similarly upgraded to Aa1 by Moody’s in February. “This upgrade is further proof that the mayor and his executive team are managing the city in a prudent and fiscally responsible way,” said David P. Rose, Senior Vice President at Davenport & Company, the city’s financial advisors. Moody’s said the utility’s upgrade “reflects the strength and stability of the system's liquidity position and debt service...

March 24 COVID-19 Public Briefing

City of Richmond COVID-19 Public Briefing March 24, 2020 Evictions are Halted in Richmond “No evictions will be executed during this state of emergency.” Mayor Stoney released a statement detailing the current status of eviction procedures during the pandemic.  Click here to read it in full. Richmond is Safer and Stronger at Home The Mayor and city leaders warn that if residents do not practice social distancing in parks, they could be closed. Mayor Stoney, Parks Director Chris Frelke, and Police Chief Will Smith announced their intent to enforce social distancing in parks and other outdoor spaces, warning residents to stay six feet apart or risk the closure of the parks. This includes abstaining from basketball, pickleball, field sports, and similar activities that require touch.  Residents are encouraged to use the outdoors as a means by which to take a break, get exercise, and maintain mental health. However, residents should maintain the sug...

Declaración del alcalde Levar M. Stoney acerca del estado de los desalojos durante el Estado de Emergencia por el COVID-19

“En las pasadas dos semanas, mi equipo y yo hemos estado en conversación con la Sociedad de Ayuda Legal del Centro de Virginia, los defensores de los inquilinos, la alguacil Irving y las cortes con la meta de parar completamente los desalojos que se decidieron y programaron antes del congelamiento de casos ocurrido en el estado”. “Después de nuestras conversaciones con la alguacil y su equipo, he recibido la garantía de que no se ejecutará ningún desalojos durante el estado de emergencia en que estamos. La alguacil ha notificado a los propietarios que la implementación de estos desalojos ha sido parada”. “Al mismo tiempo que trabajaba con la oficina de la alguacil, he contactado a la Autoridad de Vivienda y Desarrollo de Richmond para extender el congelamiento de sus desalojos, así como a los beneficiarios del Fondo de Vivienda Asequible a no proceder con ningún desalojo. Mi propuesta de enmienda al presupuesto, que incluye trasladar $2.1 millones al Fondo de Vivienda Asequi...

Mayor Levar M. Stoney statement on status of evictions during COVID-19 state of emergency

“Over the past couple of weeks, my team and I have engaged with Central Virginia Legal Aid Society, tenant advocates, Sheriff Irving and the courts with a goal of completely halting evictions that were decided and scheduled before the statewide freeze on new cases.  “After conversations with the Sheriff and her team, I've gotten assurance that no evictions will be executed during this state of emergency. The Sheriff has notified the landlords that the execution of all evictions will be halted. “In addition to working with the Sheriff, I also called on Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority to extend its eviction freeze and the recipients of the city’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund monies to not pursue evictions at all. My proposed budget amendment to move $2.1 million to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund will help provide emergency shelter spaces and supportive housing for our most vulnerable community members, as well as provide additional fund...

Una empleada de la Ciudad de Richmond sale positiva en la prueba de COVID-19, actualmente está en cuarentena

La Ciudad de Richmond reporta hoy el primer caso positivo de uno de sus empleados con COVID-19. La afectada es una oficial del Departamento de Policía de Richmond ( RPD, por sus iniciales en inglés ), la cual viajó a Nueva York antes del inicio de los síntomas. De acuerdo al Distrito de Salud de la Ciudad de Richmond ( RHCD, por sus iniciales en inglés ), la oficial, quien tiene alrededor de 40 años de edad, está en su casa aislada en condición estable. Otro compañero que había estado en contacto cercano con la oficial, está bajo cuarentena voluntaria y está monitoreando su salud y vigilando la aparición de algún síntoma. Una investigación preliminar hecha por la policía y el distrito de salud, no determinó que hubiera un potencial de contacto cercano con los residentes de la ciudad en el período posterior a su viaje. Sin embargo, las autoridades están revisando e investigando cualquier otro contacto cercano adicional que la oficial haya tenido durante sus funciones regu...

March 23 COVID-19 Public Briefing

City of Richmond COVID-19 Response Public Briefing March 23, 2020 Richmond is #saferandstrongerathome Governor directs some non-essential businesses to close, closes schools for remainder of school year According to the Governor’s press briefing today, gatherings of 10 or more people are banned. All recreation and entertainment venues must close. This includes bowling alleys, movie theaters and gyms.  Personal care services that cannot adhere to social distancing measure, such a barber shops, spas and salons, should close.  Restaurants may remain open for carry out, delivery, and curbside services only. Non-essential brick-and-mortar stores can remain open if they comply with the Governor’s recommendation of serving no more than 10 customers at once.  Essential services will remain open but must also enforce social distancing and practice hygienic precautions and increased sanitizing procedures. This includes grocery stores, medical offices, pha...

City employee tests positive for COVID-19, currently under self-quarantine

The City of Richmond today is reporting its first known case of an employee testing positive for COVID-19. The affected employee is a female officer in the Richmond Police Department, who traveled to New York before the onset of her illness. According to the Richmond City Health District, the officer, who is in her 40s, is now at home in isolation and is in stable condition. Another co-worker who had been in close contact with the officer is under self-quarantine and is self-monitoring for symptoms. Preliminary investigation by RCHD and RPD has not determined any potential for close contact with Richmond residents during this time period. However, RCHD and the RPD are reviewing and investigating any possible additional close contacts the officer may have had during the performance of her duties.  “My first concern is for her and her family and the extended family of her co-workers,” said Police Chief William Smith. “We have taken precautions to limit exposure...

SBA Offers Disaster Loans Webinar

Small Business Association Disaster Loans (EIDL) Webinar Monday, March 23, 2020 2:00 - 2:45 pm AND 5:00 - 5:45 pm The Virginia SBDC network is hosting a webinar for their partners to review the application process for SBA Economic Injury Disaster Loans (EIDL), available for Virginia small businesses and non-profits.  Click here to attend the first Webinar (2 pm): Meeting ID: 606-202-441 Phone - 646 558 8656  Click here to attend the second Webinar (5 pm): Meeting ID: 812-851-176 Phone - 646 558 8656  Virginia SBDC advisors are prepared to assist your businesses during this emergency. They are operating remotely and available by phone, email and web conferencing. Please visit their website for details. ##

La administración de la ciudad y sus asociados en la comunidad lanzan guarderías de emergencia para el personal esencial

La primera guardería, ubicada en el local de YMCA en el centro de la ciudad, recibirá a los hijos del personal médico  El alcalde Stoney anunció hoy desde las instalaciones de la Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes ( YMCA, por sus iniciales en inglés ) en el centro de Richmond, que su administración se ha asociado con la YMCA del área de Richmond para brindar guarderías de emergencia para los hijos del personal médico esencial de Richmond que estén en escuelas primarias o intermedias.  El local de YMCA en el centro de la ciudad abrirá el próximo lunes y será el primero de varios centros a lo largo y ancho de la ciudad. Estos centros cuidarán a los niños que estén en grados que van desde el preescolar (kindergarten) hasta 8º, y que sean hijos del personal médico esencial de la ciudad, durante el cierre escolar debido al COVID-19. Las empresas proveedoras de salud trabajarán directamente con la YMCA para registrar a los niños elegibles para participar en el programa....