
Showing posts from March 11, 2012

RRHA names new CEO

The Board of Commissioners of the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority (RRHA) has concluded its nation-wide search for a Chief Executive Officer and is pleased to announce that Adrienne E. Goolsby has been named the new CEO of the Richmond Redevelopment and Housing Authority. Goolsby was selected from a field of more than 130 potential candidates. “Adrienne is a proven leader in effective public housing transformation and has a remarkable track record in key areas of strategic planning and partnerships, policy formation, redevelopment, relationship-building, financial growth and development, and organizational management and leadership ­­--- everything we were searching for in a new CEO,” says James Carleton, Chair of the RRHA Board of Commissioners and the CEO Search Committee. “After a very intense and thorough CEO search process, the Search Committee concluded that Adrienne’s impressive track record, the critical role she played in the positive turnaround of Chicago publi...