
Showing posts from October 30, 2011

City's Office of Minority Business Development Offers Free Training

The City’s Office of Minority Business Development (OMBD) is proud to offer technical assistance and training activities on a variety of topics, as well as networking opportunities for minority and emerging small businesses. As contracting and development opportunities in Richmond increase, OMBD remains committed to providing maximum opportunities for minority, disadvantaged and emerging businesses. It is the agency’s mission to help these businesses participate in the full array of contracting opportunities that the city of Richmond has to offer. “We remain committed to having an inclusive environment that can lead to an increase in the number of minority-owned and emerging businesses that participate in city projects,” said Mayor Dwight C. Jones. While OMBD's programming encourages minorities to start new businesses, the agency is equally focused on ensuring that existing minority and emerging businesses take the necessary steps to achieve substantive growth. Programs are geared ...

Adaptive Rehabilitation Construction Begins on Broad & Grace Streets

Mayor Dwight C. Jones joined developers Mike Glass and Ron Hunt, managing partners of 214 East Grace Street, LLC, in celebrating the start of an adaptive rehabilitation construction project at 213 East Broad Street and 214 East Grace Street today. As a symbolic mark to the beginning of the construction, the three joined other project stakeholders in knocking down a wall with sledgehammers within the Grace Street property. “Both of these properties will provide affordable live-work spaces that can accommodate cultural enterprises along our Broad Street corridor and Arts District,” said Mayor Jones. “I commend the efforts of the developers, Mike Glass and Ron Hunt, as they begin the process of bringing life back into these properties.” The $3.6 million project is a public/private partnership that will feature more than 3,000 square feet of commercial/retail space and 21 affordable rental units once completed. Virginia Community Capital is the primary project lender and will provid...

City Unveils Shockoe Revitalization Strategy

On Tuesday, November 1, the City of Richmond's Department of Economic and Community Development rolled out the Shockoe Revitalization Strategy for the Shockoe Bottom to guide the area's future growth. The Strategy will build upon previous planning efforts and include up-to-date demographic and economic profiles, a retail gap analysis, and existing and future market competition. The Strategy will provide guidance toward effectively implementing the vision. Click on the top two images in the link below to see the presentation from yesterday's meeting and the full Shockoe Revitalization Strategy. Shockoe Bottom Economic Revitalization Strategy