
Showing posts from August 22, 2010

Richmond Partners with Chesterfield County for Hull Street Revitalization Plan

~ Planning grant filed to revitalize 4.7 miles of Hull Street Road~ Richmond, VA - The city of Richmond is partnering with Chesterfield County and Virginia Local Initiatives Support Corp (LISC) on a grant application through the jointly announced U.S. Department of Transportation TIGER II Planning Grant and U.S. Housing and Urban Development Community Challenge Planning Grant. The application is to develop an inter-jurisdictional comprehensive plan to revitalize 4.7 miles of Hull Street Road from just west of Belt Boulevard in Richmond to Walmsley Boulevard in Chesterfield, a commercial and residential corridor. "This inter-jurisdictional approach toward corridor revitalization benefits everyone involved and maximizes the anticipated return on investment for each jurisdiction," said Mayor Dwight C. Jones. "We will be looking for a range of housing opportunities, unique communities offering a good quality of life including walk ability, nearby job opportunities and viab...