
Showing posts from August 17, 2014

Mayor Jones Prepared Remarks Concerning Richmond Public Schools' Funding Needs

In just 15 days, Richmond’s children will be heading back to classrooms all across the city, and I wanted to take this time to address the funding needs that we’ve all heard about of late with respect to school facilities. Education has been a priority for me since I took office, and it remains a priority.  I believe that the investment we, as a city, make in our children is the best investment we can make. That’s why I’ve pushed for and built new schools, representing over $170 million dollars in investment – am building the first new high school in 40 years – and have increased the schools maintenance budget by nearly 700%. We’ve reduced capital funding in other areas to help with school needs. I’m encouraged that we also have a Governor that wants to increase the focus on the education and general welfare of youth through 21 years of age. Last week, our Governor established a Children’s Cabinet.  The initiative, in part, is meant to address students in high poverty, low-ac...