Mayor Jones' Statement on City Stadium
Mayor Dwight Jones issued the following statement after speaking to an audience at a community meeting sponsored by the City Stadium and Carillon Civic Associations: "Tonight's discussion was an important one. As I have said from day one of my time as Mayor, we will develop our city by design not by default. "We want to grow this city and we will explore all good opportunities. But development will not be dictated by developers. We will be intentional about the quality of the development in our city and we will be intentional about engaging affected communities. "As we consider development opportunities, we will make sure that the services our residents need are right here within the city limits. We should not have to go to a neighboring jurisdiction to get the things we want and need. Right now there is not a department store north of the river in the city limits. I love our neighbors, but that doesn’t mean we need to spend all of our money in the counties. ...