
Showing posts from November 5, 2017

City Issues Request for Proposals for Major Downtown Redevelopment Project

Mayor Levar M. Stoney today formally announced that the city has posted a Request for Proposals (RFP) to spur redevelopment of a significant portion of real estate located in the neighborhood north of Broad Street in downtown Richmond. The RFP addresses a project area that is generally bounded on the west by North 5 th   Street, on the north by East Leigh Street, on the east by North 10 th   Street and on the south by East Marshall Street. The project area consists of properties that have been identified as an economic opportunity area in the Pulse Corridor Plan, which was recently adopted by City Council as part of the City’s Master Plan.   The North of Broad/Downtown Neighborhood Redevelopment Project will include a number of economic development components aimed at revitalizing underutilized city assets and improving the quality of life for Richmond residents in the areas of employment, housing and transportation. Components to be addressed by potential respon...