The City of Richmond has won a Virginia Green Travel Leader Award, in the category of Most Innovative & Impactful Green Project, for the initiatives put into place by the RVA Green Team. RVA Green Team is a partnership of the City of Richmond Sustainability Office, HandsOn Greater Richmond and the Virginia Green Travel Alliance to recruit, train and deploy volunteers to help special events in the city become more sustainable by reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill and enhancing the overall sustainability of events. Due to their efforts, the RVA Green Team helped reduce the environmental footprint in the City of Richmond by decreasing the amount of waste sent to landfills. From January through October of 2016, 42,424 lbs. of waste were diverted from landfills, which includes a 59% recycle rate over 14 events held during that time. The RVA Green Team achieved these results by increasing the amount of recycling and composting at events throughout the City of Richmond. ...