Mayor Dwight C. Jones Proposed Biennial Fiscal Plan for FY2016-FY2017
Mayor Dwight C. Jones Prepared Remarks for Transmittal of FY2016 & FY2017 Biennial Fiscal Plan and CIP March 13, 2015 Click here to view the Proposed Biennial Fiscal Plan for FY2016-FY2017 . Click here to view the Capital Improvement Program for Fiscal Years 2016 - 2020. (Remarks as prepared for delivery) President Mosby, Vice President Hilbert, Members of the City Council and School Board, City employees, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon. Our city has changed so much since I presented the budget to you one year ago. Since that time, we’ve opened a new Huguenot High School, Richmond’s first new high school in 40 years. Construction has begun at the country's coolest craft brewery, coming to Richmond and bringing people and jobs to Fulton. Today, we're finally building Bus Rapid Transit, and not just dreaming and hoping for an expanded public transportation system. Over the past year, we’ve also seen significant leadership changes within the city governme...