City Implements "Don't Get the Boot" Campaign to Enforce Fines for Outstanding Parking Tickets
~Three or more unpaid parking tickets will result in vehicle ‘boot’~ Standard Parking Corporation, the City’s parking enforcement contractor, is implementing some changes that will enhance the parking services the City provides. Beginning April 1, Standard Parking will begin using License Plate Recognition Technology to assist with ‘booting’, or immobilizing, vehicles with three or more outstanding parking tickets. Throughout the transition to Standard Parking Corporation, the City has been lenient in collecting fees for delinquent tickets. However, as Standard Parking continues to move forward with new parking services, the City is preparing to enforce fines for unpaid violations. Parking Enforcement Officers will operate vans with two cameras mounted on the roof to identify license plates of ‘scofflaw’ vehicles. Once the license plate information has been verified, an orange ‘boot’ will be attached to either the driver’s side front or ...