City to Enforce Ordinance Designating Times for Supercan Placement
~$50 per Day Following Violation Warning~ City residents will need to pay strict attention to the times they put out their Supercan, as well as the time they remove it from the City right-of-way. Beginning March 11, in accordance with a City Ordinance, residents and property owners will be subject to monetary fines for leaving their Supercans out too long. City Code Section 86-44 stipulates Supercans and recycling bins should not be placed out earlier than 4 p.m. on the day before collection and must be removed from the right-of-way by 7 a.m. the day after collection. The City right-of-way includes sidewalks, alleys and median strips between sidewalks and roadways. “The right-of-way is part of a natural corridor contributing to the aesthetic quality and value of our neighborhoods. Removal of our refuse and recycling receptacles after service returns this area to its natural state, providing pedestrian, cycling and vehicular passage in our communities,”...