
Showing posts from August 13, 2017

Mayor Levar M. Stoney Statement on Monument Avenue

When I spoke about the monuments earlier this summer, it was from an optimism that we can take the power away from these statues by telling their true story, for the first time. As I said in June, it is my belief that, as they currently stand without explanation, the confederate statues on Monument Avenue are a default endorsement of a shameful period in our national and city history that do not reflect the values of inclusiveness, equality and diversity we celebrate in today’s Richmond.  I wish they had never been built.  Still, I believed that as a first step, there was a need to set the historical record straight. That is why I asked the Monument Avenue Commission to solicit public input and to suggest a complete and truthful narrative of these statues, who built them and why they were erected.  When it comes to these complicated questions that involve history, slavery, Jim Crow and war, we all must have the humility to admit that our ...