Mayor Jones Announces Transition in Leadership at Richmond Juvenile Detention Center

Mayor Dwight C. Jones today announced changes at the Richmond Juvenile Detention Center (RJDC).

Effective January 16, 2012, the superintendent of the Richmond Juvenile Detention Center has been relieved of her duties and Jack Scott, Executive Director of the Crater Youth Commission in Petersburg, has been named interim superintendent. Chuck Kehoe, director of the Richmond Department of Justice Services (RDJS) will serve as the lead for the RJDC organization’s Correction Action Plan. Also, Charles Lampkin from RDJS has been named as the interim assistant superintendent.

“Our aim is to get the Center in order quickly. We want to end our probation as soon as possible and provide the proper care for those in need of services,” said Mayor Jones. “Leadership and management are responsible for getting the Center back on track. We have made the necessary changes for that to be accomplished.”

Aside from the personnel changes, RJDC staff has begun mandatory retraining. The training is expected to continue over the next eight weeks. Building repairs and maintenance needs are continuing to be readily addressed.