Mayor Dwight Jones Names Advisors for Opening of 2013 Redskins’ Summer Training Camp

Mayor Dwight C. Jones today announced members of his Steering Committee to advise him on the opening of the Washington Redskins’ Summer Training Camp in the city of Richmond, beginning in 2013. The committee will look at the team’s criteria for a facility, existing state-of-the-art facilities, potential locations in the City, financing, and strategic partnerships. Members of the Steering Committee are: “There has been a tremendous response from the community about the Redskins’ summer training camp coming to Richmond in 2013,” said Mayor Jones, “Having the Redskins in Richmond builds on the great base of support in Central Virginia for the team, and it capitalizes on the city’s growing sports enthusiasm. I want to thank those named to the Steering Committee today for their willingness to devote their time and energy to making this a reality!” Bruce Allen, Executive Vice President and General Manager of The Washington Redskins, stated, “We appreciate all ...